Father Dharmendra Pasala
311 N. Sverdrup Ave
Jackson MN 56143
Office number: 507-847-2504
Cell Phone: 507-461-5249
Welcome to our website!
We hope you find our information helpful and insightful. We hope to assist you in your spiritual growth by sharing with you what we are proud of.
We gather often at all three churches in our Tri-Parish community to celebrate the Sacraments. You will find we are welcoming parishes. We will delight in your presence and hope you experience the goodness of God in your worship time with us.
We are proud rural people and tilling the soil is only one way of many our parishioners help feed a hungry world and make it better. Like the angel Gabriel shared with Blessed Mary, we too believe God has looked down upon our churches with favor. We invite you to come and visit, worship and even stay and sign up and become lifelong members. All are welcome!
311 N. Sverdrup Ave
Jackson MN 56143
Office number: 507-847-2504
Cell Phone: 507-461-5249
Welcome to our website!
We hope you find our information helpful and insightful. We hope to assist you in your spiritual growth by sharing with you what we are proud of.
We gather often at all three churches in our Tri-Parish community to celebrate the Sacraments. You will find we are welcoming parishes. We will delight in your presence and hope you experience the goodness of God in your worship time with us.
We are proud rural people and tilling the soil is only one way of many our parishioners help feed a hungry world and make it better. Like the angel Gabriel shared with Blessed Mary, we too believe God has looked down upon our churches with favor. We invite you to come and visit, worship and even stay and sign up and become lifelong members. All are welcome!